Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Opening Birthday Presents

Thank you Uncles and Aunties who contributed to the Buy-Kai Qi-A-Toy Piano-Fund. We now have enough to buy a piano. Now, Mama has to re-consider shipping in the Toy Piano or get a proper keyboard. There should be enough even for a toy kitchen. We will see...

26th August 2008
Mama was very bored and she felt like opening my presents. She initially wanted to open just one and open the rest on my actual birthday, which is 2 days away. But after one, she couldn't stop... And she opened without Papa, so naughty....

That's from the CG, which is an AquaDoodle and PlaySkool Walk and Ride, which sad to say, I already have... But thanks anyway Uncles and Aunties! It shows you guys chose great presents since Mama thinks they are great too! :)

That's the AquaDoodle from the Leows. Aunty Sandra actually called Mama a week ago to ask what to give me. Mama thought it's time for me to doodle, safely. So AquaDoodle is good in the sense that it's water and non-toxic. The only thing is you can erase it off when you like, like the other doodling models. It will automatically dry up after a few minutes. So you can't keep your masterpiece.

Da Jiu bought a Dora's Laptop for me! Abit advanced for a 1 year old, considering it's for a 3-6yr old. But hey, I got to be a techie girl like my Papa.

Hehe... At this point, I enjoy playing with the wrapping paper and eating them. :)

This Doodle Pro is from Uncle Joshua and Aunty Wei Mei. Mama was thinking of getting something like this herself. This doesn't dry out or disappear unless I want them to. Cool!

Uncle Tan Whatt and Aunty Siew Hoon bought me a set of clothes. I'm naturally focusing on the paper tag of course.

Uncle Richard bought me a push seat thingy which Mama also wanted to buy me ultimately so that she can push me to the park or Vista Point when I am older and want to walk part of the way.

Uncle SK and Aunty Erny bought me a wooden Noah's Ark thingy. Nice. :)

Uncle Lew and family bought me a bag and a baby Piglet soft toy.
The strawberry looks too tempting and yummy, I've got to try it.

I like the Piglet. I like to bite the ears. Hehe... But seriously, please don't get me anymore soft toys cos Mama never likes soft toys and she is hoping that I don't like them too cos dust settle and it become dusty and you know how lazy Mama is... I have a higher chance of getting asthma cos Papa has, so Mama wants to reduce the chances of me getting it. But I really like it. :)

Uncle Chai Meng and Aunty Jolene bought a pile of books for me. Mama likes them cos they are age relevant for me! Bright colours, nice pictures and few words. Very thoughtful of Aunty Jolene. She's really good with children. :) Mama likes the ribbon.

Aunty Irene and Uncle Peter bought me a Samsonite small bag. Mama is still figuring out what it's for. Uncle Wong suggested that it's a shoe bag. Hehe.. Shall ask Aunty Irene if she has an idea. :)

Look at this cool umbrella. It's from G.Aunty Annabel and Bri and family. It's for my stroller! They bought orange to match with my Combi stroller.

That's me and all the presents I received at my party. I'm a blessed girl. Mama didn't include Aunty Dotz's and Aunty Angela's cos Grandma washed them.

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