Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Ok. I will probably get soe complaints about this blog being too wordy but Mama just wants to share her findings, again. This time about preschool education. She has been visiting other mommy blogs and she follows mamahomeschool.blogspot.com . In case you think that Mama is going to homeschool me, like Aunty Erny, fear not. But really, all parents do sort of homeschool their kids when they send children to enrichment classes, teach their children stuff at home or at family outings.

As I'm approaching 18 months old, Mama has been doing research on playgroups, especially those around our home. From the affordable below $200/month like Apple Tree and StarTots, to the expensive $600++ Learning Vision etc. By the way, I am attending Little Neuro Tree every Thursday morning 9-10am with Asher. But I will only it for one term, till March.

Mama came across this article to inspire her NOT to send me to playgroups etc.
8 Goals For Preschool Training:
1. Love and obedience
2. Social Behaviour
3. Helping and working
4. Train in humility and forgiveness
5. Create a child-friendly environment
6. Encourage a love of learning
7. Relax and trust that your child will learn
8. Become a good role model