Wednesday, August 27, 2008

26th August 2008 Airport

Gong Gong and Por Por went back to Indonesia today. They came back just to celebrate my birthday. So sweet of them right? That's them trying to make me walk. But after a while, I got lazy and Gong Gong had to carry me.

That's a poodle balloon from a staff in Swensen's restaurant.

That's an Earthquake, Mama's favourite. Mama likes to go to Swensen's to eat ice cream. She thinks it's cos G.Uncle Edward and G.Aunty Annabel used to bring Mama there to celebrate her good results as a reward or for birthday. So the positive experiences attached to the restaurant made her like to eat there, even though the ice cream is so sweet. Which is why McDonald's managed to attract children and adults cos these adults grew up with happy memories of family time at McD, even if the food was not great.

Uh-oh. I think I will grow to like Swensen's as well since we almost always go there with Gong Gong and Por Por when we send them off at the airport. Either this or Crystal Jade, which is also Mama's favourite...

That's the work of Mama. Cute hat right?

The staff gave me another poodle since mine went out of shape. She called me "Boy"... Mama couldn't be bothered to correct her...

They changed the floral arrangement so Mama asked Gong Gong and Por Por to take pics with me at this spot again. Used to be white/purple orchids. Ok... But they stood in front of the flowers so we can't really see the arrangement...

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