Sunday, August 17, 2008

16th August 2008

16th August 2008
Mama chose this Tigger romper because Heavenward's colour is orange today.
Look at me climb the stairs. I'm already an expert in this. And yes, I can crawl down too, the right way, without killing myself.
And yes, I'm wearing the new shoes which Mama bought for me. They are abit big. But she took them out after a while cos Aunty Bri said that it would prevent me from walking properly. Oh well, whatever. I'm happy without my shoes. :)

Growl... I'm a tiger! Be afraid, be very afraid!

Although it's not very clear from this picture, I now have 8 teeth!
5 obvious ones and the other 3 just sprouting out.

Grandma is feeding me my lunch.

Grandma uses alot of tissue whenever she feeds me. One tissue each time she needs to wipe my mouth. So yes, I'm more important to her than saving the earth. :)

This picture is so nice! Look at us grinning away. :)
OK lah, G.Aunty Annabel. You win lah. You have more teeth than me. Hehe....

Ok. I'm done with my meal. Didn't eat much cos so much distractions!
I love being the centre of attraction. Hee....

Time to catch my beauty sleep. This tiger has been working very hard all morning.

What's that sticker doing on my forehead! Thanks Eunice Jie Jie....
Valekum! I'm an Indian baby!

Asher: Kai Qi, a phone call for you!
Kai Qi: My hands are busy. Can you help me?

Asher: Here you go.
Kai Qi: Can you put it against my right ear instead?

Asher: Ok...
Kai Qi: Thanks!

I really love to cruise around nowadays to explore the unknown. The church office is a very exciting place. So many things to see and touch. Sometimes when I'm focussed on something, I can even stand and walk!

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