Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Buy-Kai Qi-A-Toy Piano-Fund

Hi Uncles, Aunties, Kor Kors and Jie Jies,

In case you guys are cracking your heads at thinking what to buy me for my first birthday, you might want to contribute to the "Buy-Kai Qi-A-Toy Piano-Fund". Mama wants to ship in a toy piano from the states. It costs about S$500 in total. If there is left over, she would love to get the toy kitchen too, which is about S$200. Hehe... expensive right? I'm so blessed...

She's abit broke these days so it would help if you can contribute to the fund. I have quite alot of clothes already. don't really need that much cos Mama is very lazy. She lets me wear the same clothes again and again, usually what's on top of the pile. :) Now she wants me to have more toys so I can play on my own. Hehe...

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