Thursday, May 22, 2008

Papa's back! 6th Sep 2008

6th September 2007

Mama's very happy that Papa's back from Taiwan. So many things happened while he was away but they kept contact through Skype video.

The night we came back from the hospital (31stAug), Gong Gong came to visit me. He was anxious to see his new grand-daughter. But he joined forces with Por Por to insist that I did not have enough breastmilk. Mama was very frustrated cos she really wanted to breastfeed me alone with no formula milk. She read that the baby must suckle often to tell the brain to supply more. The more you demand, the more the body will supply. God is amazing to create our bodies this way. And breastmilk is free! Formula milk is very expensive you know, and not as perfect as breastmilk.

After they kept insisting that I need more milk, Mama just let them feed me some Enfalac sample. I didn't drink much but I managed to poo more. Mama felt like a failure but was glad that at least I managed to drink something. The next day, Mama broke down in front of Gong Gong and made a big fuss about how poor thing she was not to have Papa around and they were stressing her out about not having enough milk. The more stress they gave her, the more she couldn't produce milk. She even called Grandaunty Annabel for help to explain to them about breastfeeding. They just couldn't understand cos Por Por didn't breastfeed me. G.Annabel came very soon after. She didn't explain much to them but at least she gave Mama the moral support she desperately needed.

Thankfully, Gong Gong called Great Grandma for advice on how to "increase" Mama's milk supply. G. Grandma was quite knowledgeable about breastfeeding cos she breastfed all her children. She told Por Por to cook fish soup with papaya and some other soups and to eat more green vegetables. Seriously don't know if all these really helped or not but at least they are healthy...

Mama also found a book she borrowed from the library that was very useful. But too bad she only read it after about 2 weeks? "Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers". Better than "The womanly art of breastfeeding".

Mama was also going nuts cos Por Por had her rules like not allowed to "blow fan" and what nots. Grandma had her cleanliness rules and what nots. And all the negative comments about Mama not having enough milk. So, she just cried when she skyped with Papa. Papa was very understanding and tried to help by asking his parents not to give Mama so much stress. Somehow Grandma thought the rest of the world, even Aunty Erny who didn't "ka chiou" Mama, is giving Mama stress instead of herself. Sheesh... Mama found it hard to tell Por Por how her rules were "killing" her.

Actually, Mama knew that they all had their good intentions but she still couldn't stand it. I am glad Mama breastfed me and she can guide me next time. After going through all these, she will remember not to stress me so much next time.