Wednesday, May 21, 2008

28th August 2007

I was born at 2.03pm. Mama had a C-sect cos I was too lazy to turn around - breech position. Mama & Papa chose 28th Aug cos it's easier to remember. My EDD was supposed to be 7th Sep. Mama wanted my birthday to be 1st Sept (Teacher's Day) but Dr. Ang was afraid that I'll be too anxious to come out and result in an emergency c-sect, which will be then be more dangerous.

Before Mama, Papa and Por Por went to the hospital, they actually went to Sim Lim Tower to buy stuff. That's Papa for you... Grandma was concerned that Mama will get sweaty and dirty as she won't be bathing for at least 2 days in the hospital! Mama met Uncle Kelvin. He's one of the privileged few to know I am going to be born today!

Mama reached the hospital (Thomson Medical Centre) at 12 noon to register. Many babies were going to born today. More than 10 I think! There weren't any single-bedded room so they gave us a two-bedded room instead. Papa was lucky. He got to sleep on a proper bed. He was nice to Mama. He wanted to accompany Mama so he brought his work and stayed with Mama for all 3 nights. They enjoyed themselves. Lots of food, good service. Man, it's like a hotel.

The operation was fast and everything went smoothly. Praise God! Mama had epidural so she was awake throughout. Not very painful but felt alot of tugging. When Dr. Ang took me out, he commented that I look like Papa except for the hair. :) Papa came in soon after. He wasn't allowed to come in earlier cos delivering a breech baby is more complicated.

Mama thought that I did not cry very loudly like some of the other babies who were born before me. It sounded abit choked up... My birth weight is 3.33KG. That's quite big. I can't imagine what I would be if I was born later... Mama would have a difficult time carrying me around...