Friday, September 5, 2008

01 - 05 September 2008

01 September 2008
Nicole Jie Jie came to my place today to play with me. She's having school holidays you see. And she was a very good girl cos she finished all her homework already. So she can totally enjoy her one week holiday! I want to be as sensible as her next time.

We had dinner with Da Yi at the court but I had my porridge from home while Mama ate yummy food... OK lah. My porridge is also nice lah...

02 September 2008
We went to Marina Square today with Nicole Jie Jie. Mama wanted to eat dim sum at Bao Jin Tian cos there's a 30% discount if you dine in between 3pm to 5.30pm on weekdays. So it's really worth it. In fact, quite a few restaurants have weekday tea time specials.
Ok, that's me in the kiao kah position again...

Nicole Jie Jie is my nanny for the day. She's feeding me rice crackers while waiting for the food to arrive.

Look at my cheeky simle. Papa's taking a picture using his Treo handphone which he only got for $50! second hand lah... Cos he lost his beautiful red one months ago.

Mama likes the tim sum but don't bother with the congee that Papa ordered. Mama likes the black sesame buns.

That's me walking. I've been taking baby steps since I was 11.5 months old. But ever since I turned 1, I could walk quite well. Now, I can walk down the hall already. In fact when Da Yi came to my place yesterday, I was so happy to see her and Nicole Jie Jie. Da Yi was delighted that I could walk all the way to the door front!

I still like to push things and walk, like this stool.

I like to touch cold things, like Nicole Jie Jie's Teh Peng.

05 September 2008
Mama finally tried to put on the umbrella for the stroller. It fits well. I was quite fascinated by it. May not be as practical as a plastic see through rain cover lah... but pretty.

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